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My dreams have become dear friends...

"Donna has a wonderful skill that helps me dive into the soul messages in my dreams. My dreams have become dear friends with important guidance instead of confusing symbols and thoughts."



Retired Nurse & School Administrator

Central Oregon

...helping to create an emotional container where one is safe to explore this mystical language.

"Donna has shown me that there’s more to my dreams than I ever dreamed possible. Through my work with her over many years I have gained a deeper understanding of myself. I no longer dismiss a dream as merely a curiosity, I now consider what it has to teach me about my choices in the moment and my existence on the planet.


Donna’s professionalism is as important as her compassion. Whether one-on-one or in groups, she’s helping create an emotional container where one is safe to explore this mystical language. She’s earned my trust to be the leader on the journey."



Advertising Creative Director, 

Lakewood, OH



 Dreams carry wisdom

I've attended dream circles in person and online with Donna. These circles create an intimacy.


The dream images of the other participants become my dream images. It creates a collective consciousness. The dream circle is a very supportive environment.


From my work with Donna, I take dreams more seriously, but in a delightful, expansive way.


Dreams carry wisdom I don't have access to in my waking life."

Eef, retired teacher

...a greater awareness of all the helpers in the dreams.

After taking Rodger Kamenetz’s online course, we were offered a free session with a Natural Dreamwork practitioner.

I had my session with Donna. I liked her style, her sense of humor, and her way of dealing with someone who had a lot of experience working with dreams.


Nearly 40 years of working with my dreams had done wonders for me in helping me face my shadow side, embrace the feminine in me, and help me face many aspects of my personality. Yet, I had not done the kind of work with my feelings that Donna’s gentle and wise hand has helped me do.


During most every session, and certainly working with the “homework” prompts Donna gifts me with after each session, I’ve gone to and experienced feelings that have left me at times in tears, at times experiencing a physically visceral sensation of feeling loved and cared for, and/or a sense of peace or a “surrendering” to the message in the dream; and certainly to a greater awareness of all the helpers in the dreams.


retired educator & organizational consultant

Cincinnati, OH


I have a witness for my dream experience

Sessions of dream work with Donna have helped me listen more deeply to the voice within and the story and feelings in my dream. During a session I have a witness for my dream experience and how it lives through me.

I have been attending dream circle sessions both in person and online. The reason I go back is the sense of shared respectful listening of the group and sacred space for the dream experience. I experience my dreams as Holy wisdom and joy. It is a huge gift to have this sacred place to share the dreams.



reiki and massage bodyworker,

visual artist, & instructor

 Euclid, OH

Please add your best email to be invited to upcoming dream circles and like opportunities. I will not sell or share your address and you can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you.

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located in NE Ohio on the ancestral land of the Shawnee, Erie, Miami, Ottawa, Potawatomi, and Haudenosaunee Confederacy

website © 2022 Olga Chwa

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